Many custom homes adapt to today’s economy by doubling-up or cutting space!
The number of Americans who are now living with extended family is increasing and many new homes are re-designed to accommodate multiple generations in today’s economy. Adding self-contained suites to multi-generational homes enables families to be close while retaining a greater degree of independence. The tendency where adults are living with their elderly parents or grown children are usually is a matter of economics as families cut costs and pool resources. Occasionally, a self-contained unit is within the home, but more often it’s a separate living unit or “in-law suite” attached to the main house with an inside door or separate entrance, altogether. Often the units will have a bathroom, kitchenette and outdoor patio.
When middle-class families aren’t looking to “double up”, they often design smaller, more efficient homes. Improvements in components, furnishings and low-maintenance materials have increased quality of life so that smaller doesn’t necessarily mean compromised. Combining a variety of functions into one room and utilizing wasted space for storage are just a few ways people are cutting space. An exception to this is the kitchen, master bedroom and walk-in closets. These cherished rooms remain as large, if not larger than fifteen years ago. Call us today to discuss these cost saving options for your new home. 720-981-7325